The Zionist Federation of Australia expresses our abject horror and sorrow at the terrible crime which was perpetrated in Martin Place on December 15. We also extend our condolences to the families of Katrina Dawson and Tori Johnson, who were so tragically killed by Man Haron Monis in his crazed and destructive act of terror on innocent Australian civilians.
We welcome the fact that the voices of Muslim leaders have been amongst those condemning this heinous act. People of good will and in particular faith leaders must continue to speak out against those that foster evil and attract individuals who cloak their acts in false piety or distorted religious belief.
Whether or not Monis acted with the intent of representing ISIS or any other terrorist group, he was obviously inspired or driven by his Islamic fundamentalist beliefs, as evidenced by his attire and the flag he displayed during the siege. The dangers of extremist Islamic fundamentalism are a real and unfortunate threat to our otherwise safe and tolerant society.
Our thoughts go out to those injured and affected by the siege yesterday.
Dr Danny Lamm
Zionist Federation of Australia