The Zionist Federation of Australia deplores the recent terrorist attacks, in which 11 people have been murdered. There have been five attacks over the past week, including one on Tuesday night in Bnei Brak in which five people were killed.
ZFA President Jeremy Leibler said, “My heart goes out to the families of these latest victims, and to all of Israel. We stand with you, in mourning, in frustration, in anger, in resoluteness.”
Mr Leibler continued, “We don’t yet know if these attacks are coordinated. But what we do know is that decades of Palestinian incitement against Jews and Israel sows the seeds of this violence. We know that decades of monetary rewards, societal rewards and promised rewards in the afterlife fertilise the hatred. And we know the rejectionist attitude of the Palestinian leadership complements and nourishes it. This cocktail of hatred makes peace all but impossible and makes terrorism all but inevitable. It needs to stop, for the sake of both Palestinians and Israelis and their shared future.”