International Criminal Court Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda has announced the launch of an investigation into the ‘Situation in Palestine’. This is based on the ICC’s determination that Palestine is a state for jurisdictional purposes, despite Palestine manifestly not being a state.
Zionist Federation of Australia President Jeremy Leibler slammed the decision. “For too long, international organisations have allowed officials with a vendetta against Israel to obtain positions of influence, due to the automatic anti-Israel majorities in supposedly ‘democratic’ institutions that vote for them”, he said.
“The ICC Prosecutor’s decision smacks of sour grapes”, continued Mr Leibler. “With four months left in her nine-year term, she’s launched a highly controversial investigation that was rejected by key members of the ICC, including Australia. It is the triumph of politics over justice, and of hatred over reason.”
“The ICC Prosecutor’s decision is a victory for injustice and will set back the cause of Palestinian statehood. The Australian Government should not only reject it, but should actively canvass like-minded countries to censure the ICC and to shut down this witch hunt.”