ZFA statement on recommendation that all of Hezbollah be proscribed

Official Statements

The Zionist Federation of Australia welcomes the recommendation by a Parliamentary committee that all of Hezbollah be proscribed. 

ZFA President Jeremy Leibler said, “The distinction Australia makes between the ESO and the rest of Hezbollah is arbitrary, wrong and repeatedly rejected by the Hezbollah leadership. The PJCIS recognises this. We urge the Minister to adopt the committee’s recommendation and proscribe the entire organisation.” 

The Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security (PJCIS) reviewed Home Affairs Minister Karen Andrews recent re-listing of Hezbollah’s ‘External Security Organisation’ (ESO). The ESO is a subordinate part of Hezbollah. Since 2003, Australia has listed just the ESO, despite Australia sanctioning the entire Hezbollah organisation as part of its UN commitments. Australia is the only country in the world to proscribe just the ESO.  

Hezbollah has engaged in terrorism across the globe, targeting Jewish, Israeli and American targets. It is also involved in international drug trafficking and money laundering. Ever since its militia temporarily overran Beirut in 2008, it has been granted a veto over Lebanese government decisions. It was also heavily involved in the Syrian civil war. 

The ZFA, the Australia/Israel and Jewish Affairs Council, and the Executive Council of Australian Jewry made a submission to the committee, urging it to recommend to the minister that she proscribe the entire organisation. ZFA Director of Public Affairs Bren Carlill appeared before the committee. 

Dr Carlill said, “The bipartisan consensus of the committee reflects a deep commitment on both sides of politics to both Australian security and the international role Australia should play in undermining Hezbollah. This is an excellent outcome, though I won’t pop the champagne until Hezbollah in its entirety has been proscribed.” 

The ZFA submission: https://www.zfa.com.au/wp-content/uploads/submissionrehezbollah.pdf

The PJCIS report: https://parlinfo.aph.gov.au/parlInfo/download/committees/reportjnt/024719/toc_pdf/Reportonthereviewofthere-listingofHizballah’sExternalSecurityOrganisationasaterroristorganisationundertheCriminalCode.pdf;fileType=application%2Fpdf

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