Author: Mandy Hildebrand

Author: Mandy Hildebrand

8 April

Four IDF soldiers were killed in Khan Yunis when they were ambushed emerging from a tunnel shaft under a recently destroyed building. The body of murdered hostage Elad Katzir has been retrieved from Gaza and returned to Israel for burial. Elad had been seen alive in two propaganda videos from Islamic Jihad in December and January. After being closed since […]

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4 April

The accidental killing of Australian humanitarian worker Lalzawmi ‘Zomi’ Frankcom, along with six of her colleagues, in Gaza earlier this week is a tragedy. Israel has acknowledged responsibility for the attack, and is fully investigating what happened. The IDF statement about the incident, as well as the ZFA’s statement on the same, is below. While […]

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1 April

The Pope called for an immediate ceasefire and the release of all hostages in his Easter address. Passionate protests across Israel call for an early election to replace Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Bibi is standing firm that a reelection is what Hamas wants. Defense Minister Yoav Gallant states that the Gaza campaign is destroying Hamas as more leaders are being killed. Hezbollah leaders […]

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28 March

IDF ground forces are fighting intense battles within the Shifa hospital. The Hamas offices within the hospital are a source of valuable intelligence that assists the IDF in their Gaza campaign, and may reveal the location of hostages. We recognise the exceptional courage of the soldiers active in this highly dangerous work. In the West Bank, Israeli police […]

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