ZFA Calls for Israeli Chief Rabbinate to renew Shlomo Riskin’s tenure as Chief Rabbi of Efrat

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ZFA Letter to Chief Rabbinate urges renewal of Shlomo Riskin’s tenure as Chief Rabbi of Efrat

16 June 2015/ כ״ט בְּסִיוָן תשע״ה
Rabbis David Lau and Yitzhak Yosef
Chief Rabbis of Israel
80 Yermiyahu Street
Beit Yahav
Jerusalem, Israel

Dear Chief Rabbis,

The Zionist Federation of Australia urges the Chief Rabbinate of Israel to put Klal Yisrael above all other considerations and allow Shlomo Riskin to continue his invaluable work as Chief Rabbi of Efrat.

Throughout his rabbinic career, Rabbi Riskin has been a leading light in the effort to advance keruv levavot within Am Yisrael. As the founding rabbi of the orthodox Lincoln Square Synagogue in New York he engaged in tremendously effective outreach programs that brought many Jews back to shmirat mitzvot.

During the 1970s and 1980s he was one of the most articulate voices in the movement to liberate our oppressed brothers and sisters in the USSR. And since making aliya and becoming the first Chief Rabbi of Efrat he has fostered new generations of Jewish scholars and leaders through the establishment of a thriving yeshiva and Midreshet Lindenblaum.

Rabbi Riskin’s contribution to Klal Yisrael has been felt throughout the world, including Australia. Our community has benefitted tremendously from Rabbi Riskin’s wisdom and energy, bestowed during his many visits to our country. He has spoken many times in our schools and synagogues, providing inspiration and guidance to young and old alike.

Rabbi Riskin should be allowed to continue his essential work as Chief Rabbi of Efrat as long as he is willing and able to do so. The Zionist Federation of Australia implores the Chief Rabbinate of Israel to allow this.

Yours sincerely

Dr Danny Lamm


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