Statement on Huwara terrorist attack

Official Statements

The Zionist Federation of Australia is deeply saddened by the murder of two brothers in the West Bank yesterday.

ZFA President Jeremy Leibler said, “We are appalled at the terrorist attack that murdered brothers Hallal and Yagel Yaniv, and stand with Israel in solidarity and grief. They were innocent victims, targeted only because they were Jewish. Similarly, we are disgusted at the scenes of Palestinian street parties celebrating these murders.”

Mr Leibler also condemned the mob that attacked the Palestinian town of Huwara in retaliation. “What has always set Israel apart from its neighbours”, he said, “is its insistence on the rule of law. The mob violence we saw in Huwara was antithetical to what Israel is, and we condemn it outright. The memory of Hallal and Yagel should not have ben besmirched by the violent rampage of this mob.”

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