Taglit-Birthright Israel registrations are open for the first time in over two years!
The global pandemic and travel restrictions had a drastic impact on the conduct of Taglit-Birthright Israel programs from Australia, with trips having to be cancelled through 2020 and 2021.
With restrictions easing, the Zionist Federation of Australia (ZFA) and Taglit-Birthright Israel are delighted to announce that Birthright trips will resume from Australia, with groups departing for Israel in July for the transformational 10-day trips. Registration opened on the 24th March
With the support of Gandel Foundation our Principal Australian Partner of 11 years, the Zionist Federation of Australia will send 60 young Australians, on a 10-day trip of a lifetime.
Sebastian Inwentarz, ZFA Taglit director said, “with Taglit offering a safe, organised way to visit Israel, we know that there will be significant demand for places. I have no doubt that 2022 is going to be a highly successful, record year for Australian Birthright.”
In partnership with AUJS, the ZFA will send two groups to Israel in July. Places are available for eligible young adults from 18 – 26 years old (see https://int.birthrightisrael.com/faq for eligibility information) We expect a rush of interest, and applications will close on the 13 April.
Inwentarz continued, “We are aware that there are additional health and safety concerns this year and it is important to note that Taglit-Birthright Israel works in close cooperation with Israel’s Ministry of Health. New protocols have been developed to ensure the safety and well-being of our participants and staff remains the highest priority.
Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, over 6,000 Australians and 750,000 participants worldwide had visited Israel on a ten-day Taglit-Birthright Israel tour since its inception in 2000. Taglit Birthright Israel has been shown to ensure Jewish continuity by strengthening the bonds between young adults to their heritage and identity, as well as to the people and the State of Israel. The ZFA is proud to represent the Australian Jewish community as the local partner in this unique project. In Australia, the trips are generously supported by the Gandel Foundation, the Principal Australian supporter of Taglit-Birthright Israel in Australia, as well as the Alter Family Foundation. The generosity and support of our partners enables young adults, many of whom are unaffiliated with the Australian Jewish community and have never visited Israel, to experience this life-changing program.
“As Principal Supporter, Gandel Foundation is very proud that again this July, 60 young adults will be afforded the opportunity to participate in the life changing Taglit-Birthright program, particularly after the struggles of the past two years. Many of these young adults are largely unaffiliated with the Australian Jewish community and have never visited Israel.” said Nicole Brittain, Grant Manager – Jewish and Israel Programs, Gandel Foundation.
ZFA CEO Ginette Searle said, “After over two years of being unable to send Aussies to Israel on Taglit-Birthright, I am so delighted to finally have a date set for our first Australian groups in July. Taglit Birthright creates a profound opportunity to connect participants to the land of Israel in a way they never knew possible, with many returning to Australia eager to make a meaningful contribution to the Jewish community and continue to strengthen their bond with Israel. There is nothing than can substitute the magic of experiencing Israel through travelling the land and meeting the people on this life-changing program.”
To find out more about the July Taglit-Birthright Israel trips, contact Sebastian at taglitdevelopment@zfa.com.au