The Zionist Federation of Australia congratulates Anthony Albanese and the ALP on its electoral victory.
ZFA President Jeremy Leibler said, “We congratulate Labor on its victory. Labor has always been a great friend of the Australian Jewish community and an integral part of the bipartisan consensus on Israel. Mr Albanese is committed to the Australia-Israel relationship, and to a negotiated, peaceful and democratic two-state outcome to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. These are priorities shared by the Australian Jewish community, and we look forward to working closely with Mr Albanese and his government.”
Mr Leibler continued, “We also acknowledge the deep friendship shown by the outgoing Morrison Government. Mr Morrison and his cabinet were committed to a strong Australia-Israel relationship, and were insistent that Israel be treated fairly.”
Mr Leibler also said, “We have seen dear friends of the Australian Jewish community and Israel lose their seats in this election. Their friendship to our community is deeply appreciated and we thank them for their service to the country, and wish them the very best.”